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Making a Heart

Prep For Marriage

Samaritan proudly offers a unique service to couples wishing to prepare for their marriage! The Prep for Marriage sessions utilize assessments and guided experiences following the popular 'Prepare - Enrich' program. Prepare - Enrich is a systematic assessment of a couple's understanding of their current relationship, future hopes, personality styles, needs, and approaches to decision-making. Research has demonstrated that marriage preparation has been instrumental in decreasing divorce rates by 30%.


Many Samaritan Counseling Center Staff therapists are trained to offer Prep for Marriage sessions following the Prepare - Enrich model of premarital assessment. Additionally, if any of our existing Samaritan Couples clients wish to partake in an assessment to strengthen their existing marriage, we are happy to offer a Prepare - Enrich assessment for $35.


The process is simple:


•      Call the SCC office at 248-474-4701

•      Request to make an appointment for a Prep for Marriage service. 

•      Admin Staff will request your preferred times to schedule, contact a Staff therapist, and get back to the inquirer with some optional dates for a 2-hour session (or two 1-hour sessions).

•      Admin Staff will forward a link to an online assessment for each partner to take individually.  Payment will be accepted.

•      Results will be forwarded to the Staff therapist to prepare for interpretation and feedback to the couple.

•      The couple will be given a copy of their results at the time of the feedback session.

•      There will be ample time to discuss and process the information during the session.

•      Cost: $275 per couple. SCC accepts cash, credit/debit cards, and checks made out to Samaritan Counseling Center.

© 2024 Samaritan Counseling Center of Southeastern Michigan

TEL 248-474-4701

FAX 248-474-1518

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